Monday 16 August 2010

Farmer Ifrit goes to Heaven

Farmer Ifrit combine harvests all the way to heaven.

He did some combine harvesting there, because the fields were too long and no one had letted them have a combine harvester before.

When he is in heaven he saw some crops and he saw Grandad Charlie.

Grandad Charlie said "Combine harvesters don't live here!"

Farmer Ifrit and Bunty went to sleep at Grandad Charlie's house.

Then they went home.



This one is about someone, he's called Gemmy.

He always fights monsters when he sees one.

He does it with a sword, when he is near one.

Then he goes grhrhgrgrhhrhrgrhrhrhr.

He could fight the monsters away because he is stronger than them.

He doesn't like monsters because they are greedy and don't like children.


Bunty and Farmer Ifrit

People go into Bunty the Combine Harvester so that they can drive him.

The grain comes out the back of him because he is that great.

Because he has a side one, that combine harvests, people like to drive him next to a tractor.

Bunty's farmer is called Farmer Ifrit. 

Farmer Ifrit goes to sleep when it's dark and wakes up when it's light.

For his breakfast he likes to drink champagne, then he likes eating Shreddies.


Sunday 15 August 2010

William goes Swimming

He goes swimming but no one is there.

But there is!

He tried to swim in the big pool, but he wasn’t big enough.

He went to swim in the small pool but it wasn’t good enough for him.

He went to find another pool.

He finds a little pool, and he goes swimming in it.

But it was a duck pond and the ducks didn’t want him to swim in it!


Saturday 14 August 2010


I will tell this story so people will know that some things are not just for girls or boys.

What would you do if yachts were just for boys?!

What would you do if mermaids were just for girls?!

What would you do if cameras were just for girls?!

What would you do if trains were just for boys?!

What would you do if cake was just for girls?!

All these things are very silly and not nice.

Everyone can like anything.


Bunty the Combine Harvester

Bunty is a combine harvester.

He waits until it is combine harvesting time.

Some birds have come and eaten the crops.

Bunty tries to scare the birds away. He tries to take a funny picture of them with a funny camera that makes a loud noise.

The birds are scared and fly away.

They fly away home to have a drink, then they come back somewhere else where there were no combine harvesters.


Scout and Charlie go to the Shops

Scout goes to the shops with Charlie.

He sees all the things that he likes eating.

He likes eating dog food.

He likes eating normal dog food.

He likes eating all the things that he likes.

I like reading magazines. Scout is very good and lets me do it and waits until he can have stories.


Dinosaurs go to School

They don’t do anything naughty so the teachers are proud of them.

They play with other girls and boys, they be very good playing with them.

They lift them up when they are building big towers because dinosaurs are very strong.

Sometime dinosaurs go on school trips.

They go to the farm.

They see some goats. They like the goats.

They saw some sheep.

Then they saw some ducks.

Then they get on their helicopter and the dinosaurs drive it round corners, using levers that you steer with.


William Goes to the Shop

William went to the shop.

He saw that there was no one there.

He went on his own.

He saw a robot had come, and the robot wanted to eat all the food.

William couldn’t buy anything, because he couldn’t spend any pennies at someone’s work because there wasn’t enough work, but he had a spare work and he could get up the stairs.

He saw there was some food.

Then the robot stole his food and ate it all up again.

Then William went home and worked on his computer to know that there was some food.


William Goes to the Farm

William went to the farm.

He tried to find one farm that he likes.

He couldn’t find one that he liked.

He tried to do some shopping instead, but he couldn’t because there was no shops.

That is the whole story!



Charlie has begun to tell me a lot of stories, some of which I have taken the initiative to write down.

They are written exactly as he says them, so with him being 3 years old the grammar is not always perfect!

Hope they make you smile!